The Holocaust, which killed 6 million Jews, remains one of the worst hate crimes in history. Even survivors had to overcome prejudice and the loss of their homes.

More recently, the Nashville shooting killed six people, including three children. As investigated, hate was the motivation behind this attack.

These are not isolated incidents. Hate crimes still affect individuals and communities today. In this article, we will explore the latest statistics on hate crimes and their effects.

Let's dive in!

Editor's Choice 

  • 61% of hate crimes committed were because of racial bias.
  • 1 in 3 women has experienced gender-based violence.
  • 31.1% of hate crimes committed in the US because of race were against black Americans.
  • 15% of hate crimes committed were because of religious bias.
  • 51.4% of hate crimes committed in the US because of religion were against Jews.
  • 20.4% of hate crimes committed in the US were because of someone's sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.
  • Gender expression is criminalized in 14 countries.
  • Only 17% of the 1,878 hate crime suspects are prosecuted.

How Common Is Hate Crime? 

The FBI recorded 10,840 hate crimes in 2021, excluding unreported incidents. Statistics also show a variation in victims. 

White people experience only 10.5% of hate crimes. Black people are less likely to be perpetrators, at 21.7%. Yet in 2022, two black girls assaulted a white woman, sending her to the hospital.

Hate crimes can affect anyone, anywhere, at any time. The following statistics will show the diversity of victims and perpetrators.

Hate Crime Statistics by Race

In 2019, 60.1% of the US population was white, 18.5% were Hispanic, 12.2% were black, and 5.6% were Asian. That said, racism is not a new issue in the US.

Slavery was rampant in the US from 1619 to 1865, but the 13th Amendment abolished it. Today, colored races are still underrepresented and discriminated against.

The difference shows in employment, poverty, wages, and government representation. Below are statistics on racially motivated crimes in the US:

1. 63.1% of hate crimes committed were because of racial bias.

(United States Department of Justice)

The Holocaust is just one example of a hate-driven crime. Other genocides include Sudan's Darfur Genocide and Indonesia's Rohingya Genocide.

Hate speech can also incite crimes against people of different races. Articles and speeches on Rohingya exclusion from Myanmar resulted in the deaths of 9,400 Rohingyans. 

2. 31.1% of hate crimes committed in the US because of race were against black Americans.

(United States Department of Justice)

Discrimination and hate crimes continued after the 13th Amendment abolished slavery. About one-third of hate crimes committed in the US are against black Americans. 

Black Americans in prison also face harsher punishments and longer trials. They spend 45% longer in jail than their white counterparts.

3. 7.1% of hate crimes committed in the US because of race were against Asians.

(United States Department of Justice)

COVID-19 hit its peak in 2020, and with it came the rise of discrimination against Asians. Anti-Asian hate crimes increased 150% across America's big cities and 339% worldwide.

Most cases came from travelers from Europe and America. NBC News also reported that 30% of Americans have seen someone blame Asians for COVID-19. 

In 2021, a killing in Atlanta took the lives of 8 women, 6 of whom were Asian. The US President signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Bill in response to rising discrimination.

Hate Crime Statistics by Religion

Religion is one of the five First Amendment freedoms without congressional interference. It shields citizens from government abuse.

Some countries don't guarantee religious freedom like the US does. For example, opposing Islam is blasphemy in Saudi Arabia.

However, discrimination based on religion drives some crimes in the US. Here are the statistics:

4. 15% of hate crimes committed were because of religious bias.

(United States Department of Justice; Stop Hate UK)

There were 8730 recorded religious hate crimes from 2021 to 2022. It ranges from harassment to arson and verbal abuse.

The First Amendment protects more than religious freedom. It protects free speech too. However, speaking out puts people at risk for hate crimes like murder and manslaughter. 

In 2017, a man in full gear opened fire at Faith Baptist Church in Texas during a service. The event killed 26 people and injured 20 more. 

5. 51.4% of hate crimes committed in the US because of religion were against Jews.

(United States Department of Justice)

Even after the Holocaust, Jews still experience discrimination. Jews have been the targets of hate speech, even from influencers like Kanye West. They have also been assaulted, vandalized, and murdered. 

Hate Crime Statistics by Sexual Orientation

Women are more vulnerable to attacks due to prior discrimination. One-fourth of women around the world do not finish primary school. Two-thirds of illiterate people around the world are women.

Similarly, 64% of LGBTQIA+ people have experienced violence and abuse. In some EU countries, half of the LGBT community has been victims of hate speech.

The following statistics show how hate crimes can target people based on their sexuality:

6. 20.4% of hate crimes committed in the US were because of sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.

(United States Department of Justice)

In 2011, the FBI reported 1,572 hate crime victims, with 20.4% targeted due to sexual orientation bias. These victims were assaulted for:

  • 56.7% for being male homosexuals
  • 29.6% for being homosexuals
  • 11.1% for being female homosexuals. 

Gender discrimination happens not only to adults but also to children. LGBT youth face emotional and physical harassment due to their sexual orientation. 

7. 1 in 3 women has experienced gender-based violence.

(Global Citizen)

About 641 million women worldwide have experienced abuse from their partners. 40% of murdered women die at the hands of their partners.

Sexual assault, rape, and FGM are among their physical and sexual abuses. FGM—the non-medical removal of a woman's genitalia—affects 200 women worldwide. In 1997, the US criminalized FGM.

8. It is illegal to be part of the LGBT community in 67 countries. 

(Human Dignity Trust)

14 countries criminalize gender expression, having laws against cross-dressing, disguise, and impersonation. Iran, Northern Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen have death penalties for consensual same-sex activity.

The media in these countries portrays them as threatening and inferior. Despite human rights groups' efforts, gender-based violence has no successful prosecutions yet.

Hate Crime Conviction Statistics

Hate crimes are hard to prosecute. The state requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt to prove them. However, they hardly go beyond the investigation stage.

Minority communities don't report hate crimes due to a lack of trust in law enforcement. This and the lack of investigation funding create a cycle of unresolved issues.

Thankfully, once prosecuted, there is a 90% chance of conviction. Here are some relevant statistics:

9. The hate crime conviction rate increased to 94%.

(Department of Justice)

In 2005, the conviction rate for hate crimes was 83%. From 2015 to 2019, the conviction rate increased to 94%. 

In 2021, President Joe Biden signed the COVID-19 Hate Crime Act into law. Although intended for Asian hate crimes, its effect should ripple to other hate crimes. The act aimed to expedite the review of hate crimes. 

10. Only 17% of 1,878 hate crime suspects were prosecuted from 2020–2021.

(Department of Justice)

The reason behind this is the need for more evidence. The state presumes innocence, so there has to be a good amount of proof before prosecution. 

This number does not even include unreported hate crimes. However, 9 out of 10 criminals who go through trial are convicted of a crime. 

Final Thoughts 

Hate crimes of any kind are unacceptable, as the statistics show. These crimes are devastating, regardless of race, gender, disability, or religion.

Hate crime investigations must remain a priority for law enforcement and be funded. Awareness and education about hate crimes can also help prevent them.