Divorce is a difficult and often painful process, both emotionally and legally. In the United States, getting a divorce can be a particularly challenging experience. You’ve got to meet lots of legal requirements that vary by state and make very important and costly financial considerations.

In this article, we’re going to go over why it is so hard to get a divorce in the US. On top of that, we will talk about the leading causes of divorce as well as how commonplace divorce is.

So Why Is It So Hard To Get A Divorce In The US?

Getting a divorce in the US can be complicated and lengthy. One of the main reasons why is the country’s legal system. You see, each state has its own laws and regulations regarding divorce, making navigating the legal process confusing and overwhelming. Furthermore, several states require a waiting period before a divorce can be finalized.

Another reason why it is hard to get a divorce in the US is because of the financial implications that are associated with it. It’s not a secret that divorce can be expensive, and its cost can vary wildly depending on the complexity of the case. For example, if there are significant assets and child custody issues, the cost of a divorce can increase.

It should also be mentioned that the emotional toll of divorce can play a significant role in why it’s so difficult. As you probably expected, divorce can be painful and traumatic both for the couple that’s separating and children. The process of dividing assets, deciding on arrangements for custody, and ending a marriage can be very taxing and stressful.

The Leading Causes Of Divorce In The US

Divorce is a complex issue and there is no definitive answer as to why marriages fail. Needless to say, there are some common factors that are cited as the leading causes of divorce, namely:

1. Infidelity

When one or both partners engage in extramarital affairs, it can lead to a breakdown of trust in one another. In a lot of instances, this ultimately leads to divorce for most couples.

2. Communication Issues

Poor communication or even simply the lack of effective communication can often bring about misunderstandings and conflicts. Eventually, with the lack of good communication, many marriages break down and lead to the initiation of divorce by one or both parties.

3. Financial Problems

Financial stress caused by issues such as disagreements over money and differing financial goals can put a significant strain on marriages. Sometimes, that strain may be too large of a burden. Because of that, it can cause the dissolution of marital unions.

4. Lack Of Intimacy

Intimacy is a key component of any marriage. Therefore, the lack of both physical and emotional intimacy can introduce feelings of dissatisfaction, unwantedness, and neglect in a marriage. In some instances, this may lead to the affected partner filing a divorce as a last resort measure.

5. Growing Apart

People grow and change over time. As this happens to some couples, they may discover that they no longer possess the same interests, goals, and values. This can cause a gradual rift between them, which sad to say, eventually leads to the mutual decision to file a divorce.

6. Domestic Abuse

Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse can all be major factors in the breakdown of a couple’s  marriage. After all, nobody would want to be stuck in a union with an abusive partner.

7. Incompatibility

Sometimes, couples simply discover that they’re not compatible with each other, and therefore, are not capable of sustaining a happy, healthy relationship. During such scenarios, the best thing to do is file a divorce and move on to find someone who’s new and better for you.

How Common Is Divorce?

Divorce is relatively common in the United States. According to the CDC, there are 2.5 divorces per 1000 people. With that being said, divorce rates vary from state to state. In addition, they vary depending on factors such as age, education levels, and socio-economic standings.

It should also be stated that while divorce rates have decreased in the US over the past few decards, they still remain high. As a matter of fact, compared to other developed countries, couples in the United States and its overseas territories are much likelier to get a divorce.

Putting It All Together

In conclusion, getting a divorce in the United States can be both challenging and daunting. The country’s legal system, combined with societal and cultural factors can create obstacles for couples seeking to end their marriages. Although each state has its own laws governing divorce, many of them share similar complicated requirements as well as procedures.

The emotional toll of divorce can’t be understated. Additionally, the legal process that comes with divorce can worsen an already difficult situation. Thankfully though, there are resources available that can help couples minimize the negative impact of their divorce.

It’s important for lawmakers and lawyers to examine and explore ways to improve the divorce process in the US. By doing this, they can help reduce the stress that those going through divorces experience. Also, they can support them in moving forward with their lives.