Recent remote working statistics show that more and more people are attracted to the idea of being able to work from anywhere they want. While remote workers work from home in most cases, they can also work from the beach, or a coffee shop, while traveling, or just from anywhere with an internet connection. That's the beauty of it.
The advancements in technology made it possible for people to do just about anything outside of a typical office environment. There's an abundance of tools available for everyone, such as time-tracking tools, productivity apps, video conferencing tools, etc. Combine it with the right skills set, an internet connection, and a computer, and you're set to start working remotely.
Simultaneously, remote hiring stats demonstrate that hiring remote workers can benefit organizations. There are no geographical limitations that come with traditional hiring, where candidates must be from around the office's location. In simple terms, organizations have more options for finding the right people to fit their job requirements, making remote recruitment a dream for HR.
10 Ultimate Remote Jobs Hiring and Working from Home Stats (Editor’s Choice)
- Remote workers earned more, with median earnings of $42,442 in 2018.
- Information technology had a growth rate of 13% in 2018, securing the lead.
- 77% of remote workers said that remote work makes them healthier.
- 99% of remote workers say that they would like to stick to this mode of work.
- Remote workers could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 54 tons annually.
- Remote workers save $4,523 per year on fuel.
- Around 73% of all teams will have remote workers by the year 2028.
- 68% of employees worldwide say that they are successful in working from home.
- 53% of employees working remotely in the Covid-19 crisis, would prefer continuing.
- People who work from home are 47% more productive.
10 Most Significant Work from Home Statistics 2022
Truth be told, there's a vast remote work growth this year because most companies shifted to a remote working setup due to the pandemic's restrictions. But there's always more to it than meets the eye.
1. 38% of organizations expect remote working policies to remain long-term or permanently.
Because it’s unpredictable when the Coronavirus pandemic will end, telecommuting statistics show that 38% of the organizations expect remote working policies to remain in place long-term or even permanently.
2. US employers will save over $30 billion a day for remote work during the pandemic.
According to remote work statistics 2020, US employers will save as much as $30 billion or more a day for switching to remote work during the lockdown. It's considered a tipping point on what could have been lost productivity when companies closed due to Covid-19.
3. 49.2% of UK employees work from home in 2020.
Due to the social distancing measures introduced during the pandemic, work from home statistics 2020 show that 49.2% of UK employees now work from home. It is expected to continue to be one of the most prominent remote hiring trends in 2020.
4. People who work from home are 47% more productive.
The most recent remote working statistics show that the productivity of those working from home over the past months is better than they were working in the office environment. They spend only ten minutes a day being unproductive and are 47% more productive than before. Something to consider when thinking about hiring remote employees.
5. Working from home saves workers at least 8.5 hours a week on commuting time.
One of the best work from home trends and benefits is not having to spend time commuting and braving the traffic every single workday. Regardless of how long it used to take you to travel to work, working from home will save an average worker at least 8.5 hours a week. That’s a total of 408 hours a year.
6. 72% of hiring professionals agree that workplace flexibility, including remote working, is extremely important in shaping the future of recruiting and talent.
Flexibility is one of the best features of the remote working setup. Based on remote hiring stats, 72% of hiring professionals agree that workplace flexibility, including remote working, is extremely important in shaping the future of recruiting and talent.
7. 53% of employees working remotely in the Covid-19 crisis, would prefer continuing to work remotely afterward.
One of the most remarkable remote work trends in 2020 is the shift to work from home forced by the Covid-19 crisis. Before this occurrence, 62% of employees said they’d like to work from home, which has now dropped to 53%. Seems that, while a majority of employees would like to continue working from home for as long as possible, some have changed their mind after having experienced it, based on remote workers statistics.
8. 88% of organizations have encouraged or required their employees to work from home due to the pandemic.
When the Coronavirus turned into a pandemic, organizations were quick to take necessary precautions. Working from home statistics 2020 show that 88% of organizations have encouraged or even asked their employees to work from home regardless of if they experienced any symptoms.
9. 40% of organizations have added virtual check-ins for employees with managers to encourage engagement.
Employee engagement is more critical when there are no face-to-face interactions, which is particularly true for remote working. To combat this, 40% of organizations have added virtual check-ins for employees with managers, and 32% have adapted new tools for virtual meetings, based on remote workers’ statistics.
10. 68% of employees worldwide say that they are successful in working from home.
It’s as if we couldn’t get enough proof of the many benefits of the newest remote working trends, 68% of employees worldwide say that they are successful in working from home. The number stands at 73% in the US.
10 Remarkable Work from Home Statistics 2019
Remote working didn’t happen overnight or because of the pandemic. It has been in existence way before that. Let’s take a look at the pre-lockdown work from home statistics.
11. Remote workers save $4,523 per year on fuel.
According to remote working statistics 2019, remote workers can save as much as $4,523 worth of fuel on the average per year, just from not driving to work. That’s a pretty penny that can be invested in better things.
12. Only 15% of remote workers say that they get distracted by their bosses.
One of the biggest downsides of working in an actual office environment is the distraction coming directly from the bosses. In fact, remote companies hiring workers have only 15% of employees who reported being distracted by their boss. A much lower number compared to 52% of office workers who said their bosses stress them out.
13. 55% of US workers believe that remote working can be successful in their industry.
As remote working evolves, more and more people are having high hopes about it. According to remote working statistics, 55% of US workers believe that their industry can be successful when people are working remotely.
14. More than 75% of people from the digital fields are optimistic about working remotely.
The optimism about remote working's success appears to be strongest in the digital industries, such as software, finance, and media. Based on working from home statistics, 75% of people from these industries believe that remote work and operations go perfectly together.
15. 99% of remote workers say that they would like to stick to this mode of work.
While it’s true that there may be downsides on remote working too, we still couldn’t find it at this point. This remote work statistics stating that 99% of remote workers would still want to continue being one for at least a part of the rest of their careers proves the point.
16. 75% of companies hiring remote workers don’t pay for the internet.
Before Covid-19, 75% of companies hiring remotely don’t pay for the internet. Of course, it’s a different story during Covid-19 when companies had to send their office employees to work from home as a response to social distancing policy.
17. 87% of remote workers get regular training.
Like in any other job, training is essential to remote work too. According to work at home statistics, 87% of remote workers get regular training, with 70% getting it from the company directly, and the rest from online courses.
18. Around 73% of all teams would have remote workers by the year 2028.
The majority of remote workers these days belong to the younger generations — Millennials and Gen Z. That’s why it’s completely understandable that statistics on working from home reveal that around 73% of all teams of all ages would have remote workers by the year 2028.
19. Remote workers could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 54 tons annually.
Remote working is environmentally friendly too. Since remote workers don’t have to commute to work, work from home stats shows an estimated 54 tons of greenhouse gas emissions that these workers can save in a year. That’s an achievement equivalent to taking nearly 10 million cars off the road.
20. 80% of remote workers say that they are happy with their job.
To more positivity on this mode of work, remote workforce statistics state that 80% of remote workers say that they are happy with their job compared to only 55% of office-based workers. It’s easy to see why more and more people are opting to work remotely.
10 Notable Telecommuting Statistics 2018
More facts and statistics on remote working and telecommuting available in 2018 are still worth noting today. Let’s take a look.
21. In 2018, there were 5 million people in the US working from home.
According to working from home statistics in 2018, there were 5 million people in the US who work from home either full-time or part-time. That’s 3.6% of the entire US workforce.
22. Telecommuting has grown 173% from 2005 to 2018.
Remote companies hiring remote workers has largely increased, skyrocketing by 173% from 2005 to 2018. It grew 11% faster than the entire workforce and much faster than the self-employed population, which grew by 4%.
23. 74% of remote employees like working from home because there are fewer distractions from their colleagues.
In 2019, remote workers said that they like working from home because there are fewer distractions from their bosses, but in 2018, telecommuting statistics revealed that 74% of remote employees like working from home because there are fewer distractions from their colleagues.
24. 77% of remote workers said that this mode of work makes them healthier.
Since working from home provides more time for the remote workers, one of the most well-known work from home trends is that they have more time to eat well, exercise more, and practice overall healthy living, and 77% of workers can attest to that.
25. 94% of remote workers encourage others to work remotely too.
It’s not surprising that remote workers’ statistics show that a whopping 94% of remote workers encourage others to work remotely. It just proves that remote working has tremendously evolved over recent years and has affected many lives in more positive ways than one.
26. Companies that hire remote workers have a retention rate as high as 91%.
Remote workers tend to stay longer in a company. Companies that hire remote workers have a retention rate as high as 91%. This is a notable trend, according to the CEO of Hubstaff, a company that helps others in their remote hiring, work harder, and bring higher ROIs.
27. The top telecommuting industry in 2018 was information technology, with a growth rate of 13%.
The majority of the top companies that hire remote employees belong to the information technology industry. This industry includes developing, producing, and utilizing software, equipment repairs, and system integrations. The growth rate of remote working in this industry was at 13% in 2018.
28. Remote workers earned more, with median earnings of $42,442 in 2018.
If the perks of remote working already listed above are not enough yet, here’s more. According to telecommuting statistics 2018, remote workers earned more than those who work from the office. Their median earnings were $42,442 against the $38,184 median earnings of all other workers.
29. Only 13% of Latinos work from home compared to 27% of non-Latinos.
Despite the numerous benefits of working from home, remote hiring statistics revealed that remote working is not always for everyone. Latinos are less likely to work from home, with only 13% choosing this type of work, compare to 27% of non-Latinos. Additionally, African-Americans are less likely to become remote workers with only 18% choosing this option, compared to 26% of white workers and 32% of Asians.
30. The leisure and hospitality industry hires the smallest number of remote workers.
Due to the nature of work of those in the leisure and hospitality industry, where the most significant part of their jobs are client-facing, the work from home statistics shows that it’s the smallest industry for remote working, with only 8.8% of employees being able to work from home.
Remote Working: A Summary
These remote working statistics show the positive impact of remote working. No wonder why more and more people are drawn to it. And now that most people and companies were forced to shift to remote working due to the pandemic, we can expect these remote working trends to continue for many years to come.